I am excited to have Janine from True Aim here to share how she teaches her children to read with a Free printable and giveaway!
Teaching your child to read is easier than you think and it can be a lot of fun! With just 10-15 minutes a day, you can help give your preschool or kindergarten aged child a head start, or help them improve their reading skills.
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When I decided to start teaching my child to read early (around 3 yrs old), there were so many different programs! It was a little overwhelming. I tried Teach Your Baby to Read, The Reading Remedy, Starfall and many others. They were things I liked about them, and things that I felt were missing. There had to be a better way. After researching, My husband and I came up with our own program. The Blue Manor Phonics Reading Set helps your children learn to read by teaching the sounds of the letters first, and in all caps. This is to prevent children from memorizing the shape of the word and has them focusing on what the letter sound is.
The Phonics Book in Level 1 starts with a few basic sounds and has your children blending the sounds to make words right away! This helps motivate them because it makes it more meaningful to them than just learning a bunch of random sounds. Plus, practicing combining the sounds is the KEY to reading. Here’s a quick video to show you what Level 1 looks like.
After completing Level 1, your child will have learned to read their first 100 words! Then they will be ready to read the early readers perfect for their level. These readers are unique in that they have the pictures featured on the next page so your child practices blending the letter sounds instead of being distracted by the pictures. You can use the curriculum just like it shows in the video; review and learn a few sounds each day for 5-15 minutes or however long your children like. Most of the time we do that because it is just SO easy and then sometimes we use activities to reinforce letter sounds or combinations that they are struggling with. Here are some examples of the activities we like to do.
1. Letter Sounds Bean Bag Toss
2. Alphabet Cube Puzzle Printables
Find more learn to read activities here.
Use this FREE printable of the First Hundred Words flash cards that go with the curriculum to play exciting Flash Card Games and make it fun for your child!
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Teach Your Child to Read Giveaway!
5 lucky readers will win a FREE Phonics Reading eBook Set from Blue Manor {enter to win using Rafflecopter below.
You can also save 50% on the Blue Manor Preschool Set until 9/30 with code: 1plus1E50
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